Diploma in Buddhist Psychotherapy and Counselling
Dot Connections Growth Centre is conducting its 4th intake for Diploma in Buddhist Psychotherapy and Counselling course, which will commence on 2 April 2020. This DBPC course is supported by APACS and ACA (Australian Counselling Association). Seven modules will be taught in this 7-month course which incorporates practicum internship and supervision.
Deadline for early bird has been extended to 29 Feb. For more information, please send your queries to DC Line @ 85014365 or email us at dceventreg@gmail.com
In 2017, Dot Connections Growth Centre (DC) started its inaugural 7-month Diploma in Buddhist Psychotherapy and Counselling (DBPC) course, which is also the first of its kind in Singapore. DC has envisaged to promote Buddhist Wisdom and Compassion through realising its missions to engage, listen and empathize, and to show deep compassion towards those in need. These aspirations are inspirationally realised under the effort and guidance of Venerable Ding Rong, the Founder and Mentor of DC, with the continuity plan in the pipeline to roll out DC Karuna Buddhist Counselling Service (DCKBCS) which serves as a platform to engage the DBPC graduates as volunteers to reach out to the people who need a listening ear and seek help to better manage their life challenges.
From past three batches, we have 49 graduated from this course, among them, we had 6 with Master in Counselling, 3 have enrolled this year into Master program in Counselling with Monash University, and 3 are planning to pursue Master in Counselling program with other institutions. We hope that our humble effort could attract more people to walk the path with us, by incorporating Buddha’s wisdom in the helping profession to help create a community with a wholesome mind.
If you are keen to join the course, please click here to register. https://forms.gle/1g2TcsfGhUBhBEjx7
You will find Course Details and Payment Details too.