Membership Categories and Practitioner Levels

No Practitioner Level

Currently enrolled in any higher learning studies in counselling and/or psychotherapy and/or psychology.

Must be at least sixteen years of age at time of application.

Has voting rights and can hold any elective office.


No Practitioner Level

Has some affiliation with the counselling and/or psychotherapy profession, either via studies or work.

Has no voting rights and cannot hold elective office.

With sufficient documentary evidence of training and experience to be recognized by the Association as a qualified person within the helping profession.

Has voting rights and can hold any elective office.

One who provides exemplary service and is outstanding in his field.

Has voting rights and can hold any elective office.

No Practitioner Level

An organization, corporation, or any business and nonprofit entity that wishes to affiliate itself with the Association.

Ordinary member who chooses to make a onetime lump sum payment of his annual dues.

Has voting rights and can hold any elective office.

Basic relevant degree/postgraduate degree with 150 hours supervised practicum* hours.

Basic relevant degree/postgraduate degree with 300 hours supervised practicum* hours.

Basic relevant Master’s degree with 300 hours supervised practicum* hours.

Basic relevant Master’s degree with 500 hours supervised practicum* hours.

Basic relevant Master’s degree with 500 hours supervised practicum* hours AND supervisor certification from approved institutions.

*Must be an approved supervisor from APACS/SACS and/or SPS